Dr. Jang Bahadur Prasad

Dr. Jang Bahadur Prasad
Assistant Professor
Academic Qualifications: 

M.Sc. MPS, M.Phil. and Ph.D.

Special Area of Interest: 
Statistical Modelling, Demography, Epidemiological Modelling, Meta-Analysis, Morbidity, Public Health and Mortality

First Authors Papers

  1. Prasad J.B. Pezhhan A. Patil, A. 2021. Effect of wealth, social inequality, Mother BMI and education on malnutrition among children in India, Ecology of Food and Nutrition Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews (Elsevier). 15(6):1-6.
  2. Prasad J.B., Tyagi N. K., Verma P. ‘Age at Menopause in India: A Systematic Review’, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews (Elsevier), 15(1), PP. 373-377.
  3. Prasad J.B., Kumar A., Patil S.H., and Biradar R., 2021. ‘Sources of spreading COVID-19 cases and afford made to control the infection in India’, J Cancer Prev Curr Res. 12(1):1‒7.
  4. Prasad J.B., Tyagi N. K., Patil, A. 2020. ‘Dynamics of COVID-19 Cases in India: Statistical Models’, Demography India, 49, PP. 51-65.
  5. Prasad J.B., Kumar A. Biradar R. 2020. ‘The burden of Cancer Cases attributable to tobacco in India: Case of Kerala and Bihar States’ Cancer Prevention & Current Research, 11(3), PP.55-59.
  6. Prasad J.B., Biradar R., and Kumar A. 2020. ‘Status and Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on humans: dynamics and control’ Epidemiology International Journal, 4(2), 1-11.
  7. Prasad J.B., Dhar M. 2020. ‘Assessment and projection of burden of cancer due to tobacco in India till 2025’ Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health (Elsevier), 8(4): PP.1067-1071.
  8. Prasad J.B., Dhar. M. 2018. ‘Burden of Tobacco-related Cancers in India and its States, 2015-2025’, Social Science Spectrum’ 4(3) PP. 147-158.
  9. Prasad J.B., Dhar M. 2018. ‘A descriptive method of combining multiple outcomes of multiple exposures with application to cancer patients’, India 2018 Child Health and Mortality, Monograph, Bhopal Seminar 2018 PP. 145-56.
  10. Prasad J.B., Dhar M. 2018. ‘Risk of major cancers associated with various forms of tobacco use in India: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, Journal of Public Health (Springer), 27(6), 803-813.
  11. Prasad J.B., Dhar M. 2018. ‘Projections of burden of cancers: A new approach for measuring incidence cases for India and its states - Till 2025’, Journal of Cancer Policy (Elsevier), 16, PP. 57-62.
  12. Prasad J.B., Dhar M. 2017. ‘Estimation of population for Population Based Cancer Registry areas in developing countries: A comparative appraisal’, Demography India, 46(2), 44-52.
  13. Prasad J.B., Dhar M. 2017. ‘Tobacco use in India and its states: Burden of smoking and smokeless forms of tobacco (2015-25) and its predictors’, Journal of Cancer Policy (Elsevier)’ 14, PP. 21-26.
  14. Prasad, J.B., Kumar P. 2016. ‘The Caste-Wealth Nexus and Child Nutrition: A Study of Empowered Action Group of States in India’, International Journal of Science and Research’ 5(6), PP. 1223-1234.
  15. Prasad, J.B., Patel K.K. 2015. ‘Disability differential in India: A critical evaluation of Caste-wise disability’, International Journal of Science and Research’ 4(8), PP. 1304- 1309.
  16. Prasad J.B., Kumar M., Kumar A. 2015. ‘Socioeconomic inequalities in under-five malnourished children and its associated factors in EAG-states and Assam’, International Journal of Scientific Research and Education’ 3(2), PP. 2876-2892.
  17. Prasad J.B., Kumar M., Singh M. 2015. ‘Status of maternal nutrition and its association with nutritional status of under-three children in EAG-states and Assam’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention’ 4(1), PP. 30-38.

Corresponding Authors Papers

  1. Bansode, B., Biradar, R. A., & Prasad, J. B. Availability, accessibility and affordability of diabetes health care facilities in Latur, India. Nepal Med Coll J25(2), 91-100.
  2. Patil S.H., Prasad J.B., Biradar, R.A., Bansode B. Hypertension treatment and its consequences in rural women North Karnataka’ Indian Journal of Population and Development, 2(2), July 2022: 249-260.
  3. Bansode B. Prasad J.B. “Burden of comorbidities among diabetic patients in Latur, India” Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health (Elsevier), 100957.
  4. Tyagi N. K., Prasad J.B., Patil, A. 2021.Statistical models for trends in COVID-19 Case Fatality Rates, India’ J Cancer Prev Curr Res., 12(3):97‒105.
  5. Bansode B. Marbaniang S.P. Prasad J.B. “Risk factors of Diabetes and Hypertension among Women in Karnataka” Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews (Elsevier). 15(4), 102139
  6. Patil S.H. Prasad J.B. Menopausal Symptoms and Age at Menopause in Rural North Karnataka, India 2020: Population and Social Protection ISBN: 978-93-89527; pp: 145-154.
  7. Chauhan B., Prasad J.B. ‘Contraception use and Fertility Aspirations among currently married young men in India: Does Gender Attitudes matters?’, Children and Youth Service Review (Elsevier), p.105920.
  8. Patel K.K., Prasad J.B., Biradar R. 2020. ‘Trends in, and determinants of, neonatal and infant mortality in Nigeria based on Demographic and Health Survey data’ Journal of Biosocial Science (JBS). 53(6):1-11.
  9. Tyagi N. K., Prasad J.B. 2019. ‘Electronic Health Records in Health and Disease’ Social Science Spectrum, 5(1), PP.55-58.
  10. Biradar R., Patel K.K., Prasad J.B. 2018. ‘Effect of birth interval and wealth on under-5 child mortality in Nigeria’, Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health (Elsevier), 7(2), 234-238.

Co-authors Papers

  1. Carvalho, A.M., Biradar, R.A., Prasad, J.B. and Hegde, S., 2023. Families in Multi-Problem Situations in India: Exploration From the Fifth Round of the National Family Health Survey. Journal of Family Issues, p.0192513X231214624.
  2. Hegde, S., Prasad, J. B., Biradar, R. A., & Carvalho, A. M. (2023). Paternal characteristics associated with low birth weight in India. Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research kleu16(3), 408-413.
  3. Hegde, S., Prasad, J. B., Biradar, R. A., & Carvalho, A. M. 2023. Low birthweight and its associated factors in India: A comparative study of national family health survey from the 4th and 5th rounds. Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research kleu16(3), 347-354.
  4. Yadav S. K., Shirol V.S., Prasad J.B., Bhimalli S.M., 2023. Histochemical Study of Acid Mucins in Osteoarthritic Menisci of the Human Knee Joint, Nepal Med Coll J March 2023; 25 (1): 64-72.
  5. Rasool, M., Mukhtar, D.M., Naqshbandi, D.I., Munshi, D.I.H., Prasad, D.J.B., Anand, T. and Goel, S., Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hypertension in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, Northern India: Evidence from National Family Health Survey-5. Northern India: Evidence from National Family Health Survey-5.
  6. Haritay, S., Patil, R., Maldar, A., Kumar, A., Reddy, V., Oswal, D., Tahashildar, M.A., Kolakar, A., Kabbur, S., Prasad, J.B. and Shivaswamy, M.S., 2023. Waning of Antibody Response Among Vaccinees who Received Two Doses of Covishield Vaccine. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases, 15(1), pp.19-22.
  7. Patil A. P., Tyagi N. K., Prasad J.B. ‘Age at marriage and first birth interval: A systematic review and meta‑analysis’ Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU, 16(1): 142-146.
  8. Ramesh, T., Shuvam, S., Shubhechchha, B., Salman, K., Dronesh, C., Kumar, Y. S., ... & Prasad, J. B. COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS: Effectiveness of ART in reducing mortality-A meta-analysis, International Journal of Health Sciences 6(S1), 7418–7427.
  9. Verma P. Prasad J.B. Growth Prediction of Under-5 Children Using Statistical Models for Eastern Region of India, Indian Journal of Community Medicine. 47:571-8.
  10. George, Noel and Prasad J.B. Verma P. 2022. Statistical Model for COVID-19 in Different Waves of South Indian States, Dialogues in Health (Elsevier), p.100016.
  11. Halli S. Biradar R.A., Prasad J.B. ‘Low Birth Weight, the Differentiating Risk Factor for Stunting among Preschool Children in India’ International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 3751.
  12. Verma P. Prasad J.B., and George, Noel 2022. ‘Growth Estimation of Under-Five Children Using Statistical Models in Central Region of India’, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews (Elsevier), 16 (2022), 102463.
  13. Verma P. Prasad J.B., 2021. Stunting, Wasting and Underweight as Indicators of Under-Nutrition in Under Five Children from Developing Countries: A Systematic Review’, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews (Elsevier). 15(5): 1-10.
  14. George, Noel, Naresh K. Tyagi, and Prasad J.B. ‘COVID-19 pandemic and its average recovery time in Indian states.’ Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health (Elsevier): 100740.
  15. Bansal A., Prasad J.B. Garg H. 2021. “Comparison of serum electrolytes between Sickle cell and control group: A Meta-Analysis”, Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Research (iMedPub Journals). 9(5):1-7.
  16. Biradar R.A., Singh D.P., Prasad J.B. ‘Burden of increased blood glucose due to modifiable risk factors among men in India’ Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews (Elsevier). 15(3): 725-732.
  17. Verma P., Prasad J.B., Tyagi N. K 2021. ‘A study on disease dynamics of covid-19 in different states of India: A data driven analysis of the available evidence’, J Cancer Prev Curr Res., 12(1):36‒42.
  18. Biradar R. Prasad J.B. Reshmi R. 2021. ‘Factors of Induced and Non-Induced Menopause in India’, BLDE University Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 156.
  19. Halli S. Prasad J.B., Biradar R.A. 2020. ‘Increased blood glucose level following hysterectomy among reproductive women in India’ BMC Women's Health, 20(1), 1-9.
  20. Bansal, A., & Prasad, J. B. ‘Liver profile in COVID-19: a meta-analysis. Journal of Public Health (Springer), 1-6.
  21. Patil S.H., Tyagi N.K., Prasad J.B. ‘Determinants of Surgical Induced Menopause in rural North Karnataka’ Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, 25(1), PP. 33-38.
  22. Patil S.H., Tyagi N.K., Prasad J.B. ‘Menopause status and its Determinants in Rural North Karnataka’ Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research, 13(1), PP. 37-41.
  23. Patil S.H., Tyagi N.K., Prasad J.B. ‘Age at menopause and associated symptoms: A study from rural North Karnataka’, Demography India, 48, PP. 48-58.
  24. Singh R., Venu V., Kumar S., Prasad J.B., Pardeshi P., Sahu K.K. 2019. ‘Impact of Counseling and Nutritional Support to Reduce Anemia among Adult Female – An Interventional Study Conducted in Urban Slums of Mumbai’ International Journal of Science and Research, 8(6), PP. 1723-26.
  25. Ray, S., Bhandari, P., & Prasad, J. B. Utilization pattern and associated factors of maternal health care services in Haryana, India: a study based on district level household survey data. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7(3), 1154-1164.
  26. Yadav A., Prasad J.B., Shekhar C., Vishwakarma M. 2017. ‘A study of morbidity pattern among elderly population in urban India’, Journal of Social Health and Diabetes 5, PP. 100-6.
  27. Rawat L.K., Prasad J.B., Kumar P. 2015. ‘Maternal Health Care Services and its Utilization in Bihar, India’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention’ 4(1): PP. 73-86.

Academic and Other Experiences

  • Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, KLE University, Belagavi, from 15th Oct 2023 to 27th Dec 2023.
  • Associate Professor and I/C HOD, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, KLE University, Belagavi, from 01st April 2022 to 14th Oct 2023.
  • Assistant Professor and I/C HOD, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, KLE University, Belagavi, from 01st August 2021 to 31st March 2022.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, KLE University, Belagavi, from 01st Feb 2019 to 31st July 2021.
  • Consultancy in Health Systems strengthening through comprehensive Urban Primary Health Care approach and Social Mobilization for Immunization in Vulnerable urban pockets in MCGM, Nashik and Aurangabad MC, Doctor For You, from 20th August, 2021 to 31st December 2021.
  • Project Officer in Fifth round of National Family Health Survey (NFHS -5) at IIPS, Mumbai with the following responsibility (11th June, 2018 – 31st January, 2019)
    • Management work - handling the project
    • Sampling for entire India for conducting the NFHS-5
  • Consultant in LHWRF’s Healthcare Program, Lives Services for technical support in the development of project research, implementation, monitoring and evaluations processes. (1st December, 2022 to 27th Dec 2023)