Dr. Chitra Rajeswari T

1. Thangaswamy CR, Sundararaj R, Parida S, Jha AK. Describing right ventricular dysfunction: Diagnostic accuracy studies and sources of bias. Ann Card Anaesth. 2021 Oct-Dec;24(4):514-515.
2. Arasu M, Thangaswamy CR, Chakravarthy D, Elakkumanan LB. Catheter-related superior vena cava thrombosis-how do we face it? Ann Card Anaesth. 2021 Oct-Dec;24(4):512-514.
3. Subramanian H, Parida S, Thangaswamy CR, Badhe AS, Sai Chandran BV, Mishra SK. Relationship between transesophageal echocardiography-derived pulmonary artery systolic pressure measurements and early morbidity in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Ann Card Anaesth. 2020 Oct-Dec;23(4):453-459.
4. Samy NMP, Thangaswamy CR, Srivats VR, Arikrishnan T. Perioperative management of apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Yamaguchi Syndrome) complicating pregnancy for emergency lower segment caeserean section. Indian J Anaesth. 2020 Aug;64(8):725-727.
5. Thangaswamy CR, Kundra P, Velayudhan S, Aswini LN, Veena P. Influence of anaesthetic technique on maternal and foetal outcome in category 1 caesarean sections - A prospective single-centre observational study. Indian J Anaesth. 2018 Nov;62(11):844-850.
6. Kannabiran N, Thangaswamy CR. Incidental detection of idiopathic internal jugular vein thrombus in pediatric patient-lessons learnt! J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2018 Oct-Dec;34(4):548-550.
7. Ammianickal PL, Thangaswamy CR, Balachander H, Subbaiah M, Kumar NCP. Comparing epidural and wound infiltration analgesia for total abdominal hysterectomy: A randomised controlled study. Indian J Anaesth. 2018 Oct;62(10):759-764.
8. Thangaswamy CR, Kannamani B. Fallacies of CT scan in Assessment of Mediastinal Mass Causing Difficult Airway. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2018 Feb;32(1): e11.
9. Thangaswamy CR. Zero Oxygen Saturation in Pulse Oximeter: Need for Clinical Correlation. Anesth Essays Res. 2018 Jan-Mar;12(1):294.
10. Thangaswamy CR, Manikandan R, Bathala Vedagiri SC. Role of transoesophageal echocardiography in renal cell carcinoma: a brief review. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Oct 13;2017: bcr2017221532.
11. Thangaswamy CR, Roushan P, Pooja L, Krishnakumar G, Elakkumanan LB. Newer design, newer problems: Unusual complication with Limb-O anaesthesia circuit. Indian J Anaesth. 2017 Oct;61(10):848-849.
12. Thangaswamy CR. Re: Dilute versus concentrated vasopressin administration during laparoscopic myomectomy: a randomised controlled trial. BJOG. 2017 Oct;124(11):1790-1791.
13. Parida S, Thangaswamy CR. Cardiac tachyarrhythmias and anaesthesia: General principles and focus on atrial fibrillation. Indian J Anaesth. 2017 Sep;61(9):712-720.
14. Thangaswamy CR. Appropriate size of double-lumen tubes in Asians. Ann Card Anaesth. 2017 Jul-Sep;20(3):388.
15. Sinha R, Thangaswamy CR, Muthiah T, Chandra P, Subramaniam R. Prolonged postoperative desaturation in a child with Down syndrome and atrial septal defect. Indian J Anaesth. 2011 Nov;55(6):608-10.
16. Thangaswamy CR, Elakkumanan LB. Ramp position for intubating morbidly obese parturient: What's new? Indian J Anaesth. 2011 Mar;55(2):206-7.
17. Thangaswamy CR, Rewari V, Trikha A, Dehran M, Chandralekha. Dexamethasone before total laparoscopic hysterectomy: a randomized controlled dose-response study. J Anesth. 2010 Feb;24(1):24-30.
18. Thangaswamy CR, Elakkumanan LB. Fluoroscopy and risk of cancer in children. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2009 Mar;53(3):403-4.
19. Thangaswamy CR, Elakkumanan LB. Maximum recommended dose for local anesthetic mixture. Anesth Analg. 2009 Feb;108(2):669.
20. Sinha R, Thangaswamy CR, Khanna P, Nanda SK. Confusion due to endotracheal tube markings. Paediatr Anaesth. 2008 Dec;18(12):1212-3.
21. Elakkumanan LB, Thangaswamy CR. An uncommon problem of opening the epidural catheter. Paediatr Anaesth. 2008 Dec;18(12):1213-4.
22. Thangaswamy CR, Elakkumanan LB. Avoiding inadvertent intrathecal placement of an epidural catheter and timing of epidural bolus doses. Paediatr Anaesth. 2008 Nov;18(11):1102.
23. Sinha R, Bose S, Thangaswamy CR. Unrecognized obstructive sleep apnea in children: caught on the wrong foot and lessons learnt!!! Paediatr Anaesth. 2008 Oct;18(10):984-6.
24. Thangaswamy CR. Pharyngeal morbidity and the high intracuff pressure of classic laryngeal mask airway. Anesth Analg. 2008 Sep;107(3):1083-4;