Important Information
Important Information:
- The committee will meet at least four times a year. Two of these meetings will be held in first week of January and first week of July month every year to discuss the six monthly progress of the research work of the Ph.D. student exclusively.
- All the Ph.D. scholars should submit their six monthly progress report to the committee within the first week of January and first week of July month of every year.
- No delayed submission of progress report beyond the due date will be accepted.
- For submission of thesis at least two publications in indexed journals is mandatory.
- Any major deviation in the work, delay in the progress or any other deviation from the guidelines will be treated as objectionable and the necessary action will be taken.
Check List for First Year Ph.D. Scholars:
- All the first year PhD candidates have to furnish their registration forms completed and signed by their respective Supervisors to the office of the Professor-in-charge & Head, Research by 15.12.13.
- All supervisors of the first year PhD candidates have to submit the suggested list of members of the Doctoral committee (DC) to the office of the Professor-in-charge & Head, Research by 31.12.13. This list of DC members will be approved by the PhD/Doctoral Research Monitoring committee; the same will be communicated to the supervisors by 15.01.14.
- All supervisors of the first year Ph.D. students are requested to send the report of the first DC meeting to the Professor-in-charge & Head, Research by 01 March 2014. It is expected that thereafter DC meeting will be conducted once every 6 months.
- All first year PhD candidates should appear for pre-PhD exam. The part I Pre-PhD examination should be conducted before 30.06. 2014 and the results should be announced by July 2014.