Important Information

A)Submission of proposals to the JIPMER Scientific Advisory Committee  

  1.  Meeting of the JIPMER Scientific Advisory Committee (JSAC) is held monthly
  2. Investigators should use the combined formatcomprising Section - 1 (for JSAC), Section - 2 (for Intramural Research Fund Committee), and should fill both Sections. The combined format ( ) is available on the JIPMER website under Research.
  3. An original hard copy of the research proposal and a Xerox copy of samealong with covering letter addressed to Dean (Research) have to be submitted. The hard copy should be typed using both sides of A4 size paper, in 11 font size with 1.5 spacing and page numbering.
  4. A soft copy of the proposal should be mailed to jipmerjsac[at]gmail[dot]com.

 B.) If a research proposal is to be resubmitted as per JSAC Minutes, then following must be done.

  1. The covering letter must include the JSAC Meeting No. and Serial No. of the proposal and clear mention of addition, deletion or change carried out as required by the JSAC Minutes.
  2. One photocopy of the original proposal must be submitted. There must be highlighting of deleted or changed portions in the photocopy of the original proposal carried out as required by JSAC Minutes.
  3. The original copy and 1 photocopy of the revised proposal must be submitted. There must be highlighting of added or changed portions in the original copy and photocopies of revised proposal carried out as required by JSAC Minutes
  4. All hard copies must bear JSAC Meeting No. and Serial No. of proposal and Original or Revised on the top margins of front pages. These hard copies must be submitted to the office of Dean (Research), JIPMER on or before the last date

C) If a research proposal is approved subject to modifications as per JSAC Minutes, then following must be done.

  1. The covering letter must include the JSAC Meeting No. and Serial No. of the proposal and clear mention of addition, deletion or change carried out as required by the JSAC Minutes.
  2. One photocopy of the original proposal must be submitted. There must be highlighting of deleted or changed portions in the photocopy of the original proposal carried out as required by JSAC Minutes.
  3. The original copy of the revised proposal must be submitted. There must be highlighting of added or changed portions in the original copy of revised proposal carried out as required by JSAC Minutes
  4. All hard copies must bear JSAC Meeting No. and Serial No. of proposal and Original or Revised on the top margins of front pages. These hard copies must be submitted to the office of Dean (Research), JIPMER on or before last date.

D) If any modification in a research proposal already approved by JSAC and JIPMER Ethics Committee is requested, then following must be done

  1. The covering letter must include the JSAC Meeting No. and Serial No. of the proposal and clear mention of addition, deletion or change requested.
  2. A Photocopy of Ethics Committee approval certificate must be submitted.
  3. One photocopy of the original proposal must be submitted. There must be highlighting of deleted or changed portions in the photocopy of the original proposal as requested.
  4. The original copy of the revised proposal must be submitted. There must be highlighting of added or changed portions in the original copy of revised proposal as requested.
  5. All hard copies must bear JSAC Meeting No. and Serial No. of proposal and Original or Revised on the top margins of front pages. These hard copies must be submitted to the office of Dean (Research), JIPMER.