Institute Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC)


JIPMER, being a teaching and research institution with many post-graduates and PhD scholars performing research on animals, the JIPMER Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (JIAEC) has been constituted to oversee and evaluate all aspects of the institution’s animal care and use program. The JIAEC provides assurance for humane procedures and care of live vertebrate animals in teaching and research as detailed in the Rule 13 of the Breeding of and experiments on Animals (Control and Supervision). Before research involving animal usage can be undertaken, the project will have to be reviewed and approved by the JIAEC.


The functions of the JIPMER Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (JIAEC) are as follows:

  • Review proposed use of animals in research and require any modifications necessary for approval, or withhold approval prior to use of animals
  • Approve research involving animals which conform to the various guidelines for use of animals in research
  • Review periodically the Institute’s animal facility
  • Review and investigate legitimate concerns involving the care and use of animals during research
  • Suspend the research activity which does not adhere to guidelines for use of animals in research and take corrective action
  • Ensure that all personnel involved in animal care and use are appropriately qualified to perform their duties and conduct proposed activities


S No. Name & Address Qualifications Designation
1 Dr. S. C. Parija, Director and Dean (Research)


M.D, Ph.D., D.Sc, FRCPath Chairman
2 Dr. Lalit  Kumar Das, Scientist-F, Deputy Director, Vector Control Research Center (VCRC), Puducherry MBBS, Ph.D Member
3 Dr. Siddhartha Sankar Das, Professor and Head, Dept. of Parasitology, Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Puducherry M.V.Sc., Ph.D. Member
4 Dr. Hannah Rachel Vasanthi, Associate Professor,

Dept. of Biotechnology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry

M.Sc.,M.Phil,Ph.D Member
5 Dr. B.N. Harish, Senior Professor and Head, Member Secretary, Dept. of Microbiology,JIPMER MBBS, MD Member Secretary
6 Dr. M. Naseema, CPCSEA Nominee M.Sc., Ph.D. Member  (CPCSEA Nominee)