

 Dr. D.M. Thappa
Dr. D.M. Thappa

Associate Deans (Research), JIPMER
Dr.Nishad Plakkal
Dr.Subitha L
Dr.Prasanth Ganesan
Dr.Vikas Menon

Former Deans (Research):

    1. Dr. S.C. Parija  (2013 to 2016)
    2. Dr. B. Vishnu Bhat (Feb 2016 to May 2018)
    3. Dr. R. Swaminathan (May 2018 to Nov 2018)
    4. Dr. R. Raveendran (Dec 2018 to Nov 2021)
    Sl. No Name & Designation Duties and Responsibilities
    1 Mrs. P. Vijayalakshmi. Assistant Adm. Officer Overall section-in-Charge
    2 Mr. S. Saravana Kumar PS to Dean
    3 Mr. John Peter J, SAA
    1. IEC (Observational Studies)
    2. JRAC
    3. PhD Admission Committee
    4. IBSC
    5. Donation Committee
    6. PDF, Research Assistant & Associate record maintenance
    7. TNMC
    4 Mr. A. Ganesa Karthik, DEO
    1. Intramural Research Fund
    2. LRA
    3. TA/DA for PhD
    4. Dealing with Impress money
    5. Issuing No Due certificates for faculty’s / PG’s/UGs
    6. Dealing with DSIR committee.
    7. Administrative support for SFACT software
    5 Mr. K. Palappa, SAA
    1. Ph.D. RMC
    2. Patent Filing Work
    3. Handling 120 Ph.D. Scholars works
    4. Ph.D. scrutiny committee
    5. Ph.D. thesis soft copy uploading in Online JIPMER Archive
    6. Annual report
    6 Mr. Komalashankaran, SAA
    1. Institutional Ethics Committee – Interventional Studies
    2. JIPMER Scientific Advisory Committee (JSAC)
    3. Serious Adverse Event committee meeting
    7 Mr. Ashok Kumar, MTS
    1. MoU
    2. PGRMC
    3. PG Dissertation book
    4. Telephone/Newspaper/Xerox bill settlement.
    5. Section tapal receiving and entering and dispatch
    6. All the dissertation soft copy of MD/MS/DM/M.Ch/MPH/ MSc uploading in Online JIPMER Archive.
    8 Mr. V. Balamourougane, SAA
    1. Ph.D. Stipend, leave maintains, progress reports
    2. IDP Committee
    3. SCTRC Committee
    4. Issuing No-Dues for MD/MS/DM/MPH/MCH/
    5. Dispatch works of all dealing assistant in the office.
    9 Ms. V. Parameswari, MPW
    1. ICSCR
    2. Extramural projects
    10 Mr. S. Yuvaraja, Manager (Research Projects)
    1. To work with IEC (Interventional) and IEC (Observational)
    2. Attend and compile minutes of IEC meetings
    3. Issuing of IEC Certificates.
    4. To co-ordinate with other committees – SCTRC, MOU, JSAC, IBSC, IAEC etc.
    5. To co-ordinate with conduct of CME, Workshops, Seminar
    11 Mr. A. Agilan, Computer Operator
    1. Receipts and Despatch
    2. Assist to Intramural Grants Work
    3. Assist IEC Observational & Interventional certificate work.
    1. Mr. Krishnamoorthy, JAO Section Incharge
    2. Mr. S. Sudhakaran, JAA Extramural Funds
    3. Mrs. Anandhi, DEO Assisting Extramural Desk
    4. Mr. Anupam Kumar Pandey, JAA Intramural Funds

    Last Updated:01-Nov-2024