Dr.Vaibhav Wadwekar

Dr. Vaibhav Wadwekar
Medical Registration number: 
Madhya Pradesh Medical Council. MP-2168
OPD Timing: 
9 AM to 2.00 PM Wednesday and Friday
Academic Qualifications: 

MD DM PDF(Neuromuscular disorders)

Special Clinics: 

Wednesday (Neurodegenerative diseases and General Neurology), Neuromuscular clinic and Friday (Epilepsy clinic)

Special Area of Interest: 
Neuromuscular disorders, Epidemiology and research methodology, Epilepsy and Headache
  1. “Neurology exams during the COVID-19 pandemic” (Provisionally accepted in Neurology India, yet to  be published)
  2. Nagraan K, Wadwekar V. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Peripartum Encephalopathy: A Pictorial Review. Journal of Neuroscience in Rural Practice. (Provisionally accepted in Neurology India, yet to  be published)
  3. Bobby Z, Yadav N., Wadwekar V.Atherogenic Risk Factors Among Young Indian Adults With Epilepsy On Treatment With Phenytoin: Need For Novel Therapeutic Strategies.(Provisionally accepted in Neurology India, yet to  be published)
  4. Kumar DP, Wadwekar V, Nair PP, Menon V, Bhatnagar T. Study of Sexual Dysfunction in People Living with Epilepsy at a Tertiary Care Center of South India. Neurol India. 2020 Jul-Aug;68(4):861-866. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.293437. PMID: 32859829.
  5. Nair PP, Wadwekar V, Chakkalakkoombil SV, Narayan SK, Marusani R, Murgai A et al. Comparison of proximal and distal corticosteroid injections for carpal tunnel syndrome. Muscle Nerve. 2020 Apr 12. doi: 10.1002/mus.26886. [Epub ahead of print]
  6. Wadwekar V, Nair SS, Tandon V, Kuruvilla A, Nair M.Congenital myasthenic syndrome: Ten years clinical experience from a quaternary care south-Indian hospital. J Clin Neurosci. 2020 Feb;72:238-243. 2019 Dec 27.
  7. Wadwekar V, Pillai RR, Sesh S, Nair SS, Nair M. Pregnancy-associated respiratory failure in muscle specific kinase congenital myasthenic syndrome. Muscle Nerve. 2019 Jan 12.
  8. Wadwekar V, Pillai RR, Sesh S, Nair SS, Nair M. Barriers of Drug Adherence among Patients with Epilepsy: in Tertiary Care Hospital, South India. J Caring Sci. 2018 Dec 1;7(4):177-181.
  9. Sahu J, Nair PP, Wadwekar V, Aghoram R. New-onset interictal headache in Persons with epilepsy (PWE): A case-control study. Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Nov;88:172-175.
  10. Nisha Y, Bobby Z, Wadwekar V. Biochemical derangements related to metabolic syndrome in epileptic patients on treatment with valproic acid. Seizure. 2018 Aug;60:57-60.
  11. Chandrasekharan SC, Menon V, Wadwekar V, Nair PP. High Frequency of DepressiveSymptoms among Adults with Epilepsy: Results from a Hospital-based Study. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2017 Aug;8(Suppl 1):S13-S19.
  12. Maurya VP, Rajappa M, Wadwekar V, Narayan SK, Barathi D, Madhugiri VS.Tethered Cord Syndrome-A Study of the Short-Term Effects of Surgical Detethering on Markers of Neuronal Injury and Electrophysiologic Parameters. World Neurosurg. 2016 Oct;94:239-247
  13. Khilari M, Chakkalakkoombil SV, Wadwekar V, Nair PP. Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) with asymmetric findings. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Mar 24;2014.
  14. Nair PP, Wadwekar V, Murgai A, Narayan SK. Refractory status epilepticus complicated by drug-induced involuntary movements. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Feb 11;2014.
  15. Wadwekar V, Pradeep Pankajakshan Nair a, Aditya Murgai, Sibi Thirunavukkarasu, Harichandrakumar Kottyen Thazhath Semiologic classification of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures(PNES) based o video EEG analysis: Do we neednew classification systems? Seizure. 2014 Mar;23(3):222-6
  16. Sibi T, Pradeep Nair, Wadwekar V. Acute bilateral haemorrhagic putaminal necrosis in Methanol poisoning. British Medical Journal Case reports. 2013 Nov 8
  17. Kalita J, Misra UK, Vadwekar V. Letter by Kalita et al regarding article,"Association between obesity and mortality after acute first-ever stroke: the obesity-stroke paradox". Stroke. 2011 May;42(5):e379; author reply e380
  18. Wadwekar V, Kalita J, Misra UK. Does the chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy due to secondary cause differ from primary? Neurol India.2011 Sep-Oct;59(5):664-8.
  19. Misra UK, Kalita J, Phadke RV, Wadwekar V, Boruah DK, Srivastava A, Maurya PK,Bhattacharyya A. Usefulness of various MRI sequences in the diagnosis of viral encephalitis. Acta Trop. 2010 Dec;116(3):206-11
  20. Behari S, Shinghal U, Jain M, Jaiswal AK, Wadwekar V, Das KB, Jha S. Clinicoradiological presentation, management options and a review of seller and suprasellar tuberculomas. J Clin Neurosci. 2009 Dec;16(12):1560-6

BOOK Chapters

  1. Wadwekar V. Approach to Cervical Myelopathy, in the book Ward Rounds in Clinical Neurology: Long and Short Cases, ed. Ravi Yadav 2019-Jaypee brothers, 59-71 
  2. Wadwekar V. Chronic Neurological Conditions. Disability. An overview in the context of RPWD Act, 2016.NISH. 2019. 197-220
Positions Held: 

Head of Department of Neurology, JIPMER
