General Info
DEPARTMENT OF Pulmonary Medicine
The department of Pulmonary Medicine formerly known as department of tuberculosis and chest diseases has been in the institute since its inception. The department offers state of the art care and treatment to all strata of the society. With dedicated faculty and residents, the department services has benefitted thousands of patients. Currently there are six distinguished faculties each with a special area of interest and ten MD Fellows. The department has a thirty bedded ward with six high dependency unit beds and six intensive care unit beds for non tuberculosis patients. The department also has separate six beds for treating Tuberculosis patients. The department is actively involved in research in the fields of Tuberculosis, COPD, Asthma, lung cancer and ILD. The department is also actively involved in teaching undergraduates and postgraduates. Training and educational events are organized in the form of workshops and CMEs in diverse topics.
- Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) to perform EBUS-TBNA
- Flexible bronchoscopy to perform procedures like bronchial washings, broncho alveolar lavage(BAL), Transbronchial needle aspiration, Transbronchial lung biopsy.
- Spirometry and diffusion capacity analysis(DLCO)
- Designated microscopy centre(DMC) under NTEP
- LEVEL 3 Polysomnography lab( to be upgraded to level 1)
- Body plethymosography
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- A five bed respiratory intensive care unit
- A State of the art Bronchoscopy suite to perform bronchoscopy interventions
- A multidisciplinary interstitial lung disease clinic for ILD with ICMR collaboration
- Multidisciplinary pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with chronic lung diseases
- DM Pulmonary Medicine
- Starting a fellowship in interventional pulmonology