
In-Patient Services

Indoor facilities started 3 female beds ,2 male beds in PMRC block

Note: Temporarily suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing renovation works

Out-Patient Services


PMR OPD –Daily (9:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m)

Special Clinic: CP clinic (Every third Tuesday afternoon)

Patients are also attended bedside in different wards.

Physiotherapy :

Physiotherapy is concerned with the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of the patients by using

  • Superficial and deep heating modalities.
  • Cold Therapy.
  • Electrical stimulation and diagnosing.
  • Ultra violet Radiation Therapy.
  • Infra-red radiation Therapy.
  • Shock Wave Therapy.
  • Exercise Therapy and other miscellaneous procedures.

Physical therapy protocols for “ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT REPAIR” and Post Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM) were framed and are being followed.

Occupational Therapy

Therapy Services are:-

  1. Therapeutic approaches and activities.
  2. Splintage (Preventive and Corrective Splints – POP).
  3. Pre-vocational Assessment and Training.
  4. Functional capacity Evaluation and Training.
  5. Education and counseling to patients and care takes.
  6. Hand function evaluation & Rehabilitation.
  7. Sensory motor Evaluation and Rehabilitation.
  8. Cognitive perceptual evaluation and Rehabilitation.
  9. Sensory integration therapy.
  10. Stress management and Relaxation training.
  11. Activities of Daily living training.
  12. Aide and adaptive devices.
  13. Craft activities to improve hand functions.

Prosthetics Section

Amputees with different levels of stump length, which are referred by various Departments through consultant of PMR are fitted with appropriate prosthesis. Exoskeletal and modular prosthetic fabrication and fittings are carried out with advanced components and keen interest is shown by the technical staff on patients’ trial fitting and gait training to achieve near normal gait.

Orthotics Section

At present following works are in progress.

  • Fabrication of lower and upper limb orthoses
  • Fabrication of surgical boots and MCR foot wear
  • Fabrication of Spinal orthoses [belts, corsets, braces and collars etc.]
Last Updated :06-Oct-2022