General Info

JIPMER International School of Public Health (JISPH)

produce at par public health specialists and disseminate knowledge with the aim of preventing disease and promoting health. Our aim is to see JISPH as a premier academic institution in public health recognized for integrating research, teaching and service in an ever evolving way so as to provide effective solutions to public health problems.

The mission of JISPH is to

  1. Provide the highest level of education to public health scientists, practitioners, and leaders
  2. Foster new discoveries leading to improved health for the people of this country and all nations
  3. Strengthen health capacities and services for communities
  4. Initiate policy debate, disseminate health information, and increase awareness of Public Health as a public good and fundamental right 5. Generate sustainable value based solutions that are scalable and replicable through innovations in health services research

Academic Programme

The department of Preventive and Social medicine is currently providing a Master of Public Health Program (MPH) with an annual intake of 34 students. Currently (2021), 175 trainees have been admitted to the course and currently the eighth cohort has been admitted to the course. All MPH trainees undergo a research project in the form of dissertation.

DIVISIONS PROPOSED: JIPSH will have seven divisions which will be dealing with health issues of local, national, and global relevance.

  1. Division of Epidemiology, including Biostatistics
  2. Division of Communicable Disease & Surveillance
  3. Division of Non-communicable disease
  4. Division of Health System Management including Health Economics & International Health
  5. Division of Health Communication including Behavioural Science & Medical Sociology
  6. Division of Maternal Child Health including Public Health Nutrition
  7. Division of Environmental Health & Disaster Management

Visiting Faculty Programs: Faculty and residents from other departments of JIPMER and other institutions are routinely invited as guest lecturers in the course. In the last one year the following faculties had visited JISPH for the purpose of MPH training:

S.No Name of the faculty Sessions taken


Dr. Govindrajan
State TB Control Officer, Government chest
hospital Puducherry

Recent advances in Revised National
Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP)


Mrs. Selvanayagi
Assistant Director (Targeted Intervention),
Pondicherry AIDS control Society

Targeted Interventions Under National
AIDS control Program


Dr. Sabesan and other Faculty from Vector Control Research centre

Entomology, GIS, Museum Visit,
Integrated Vector Management, Field visits


Dr. T Sundararaman
Dean, Tata Institute of Social Sciences,

Public Health management & Health
sector Reforms, Health governance and
management, Partnerships in Health,
Universal Health Coverage


Dr. Saira Banu
SMO, World Health Organisation

AFP and Measles Surveillance


Dr. Pratap Sahu
Advisor, Ministry of Health,

Public health in emergency situation


Dr. Cherian Varghese
Co-ordinator, Management of NCD, WHO,

Management of NCDs


Dr SS Vasan

Senior Business Development Manager

Public Health England (PHE)

Health Economics and Health Promotion

Placements: As of now out of 70% of the trainees who graduated from JIPMER were absorbed in state health departments, research organisations and bilateral agencies.


  • JISPH will provide the necessary leadership, direction, and training to develop the public health manpower in India.
  • Through its outreach centres will create demonstration models to reach out to the community and validate models for replication in other parts of India. This will be a step to reduce the widening disparities in health status and access to basic health care.
  • JISPH will collaborate with various health and non-health sector agencies to initiate Policy Translation and Leadership Development Programme to strengthen health system leadership in this region.
  • JISPH will support State and National government in shaping the health policy of this region and choosing the appropriate and cost-effective interventions for holistic development of health in this region.
  • JISPH will enable, advocate, and mediate with policy makers to reduce inequality in distribution of power, money and resources.
  • JISPH will initiate action to bring all relevant sectors to one platform and negotiate with these sectors to bring preventive health component into forefront in each of these sectors.
  • JIPMER’s uniqueness makes it an Institution of choice for testing universal health care concepts and drive health service delivery innovations through establishing an International School of Public Health.

Thus, JIPMER International School of Public Health (JISPH) hopes to play a key role in helping India achieve its National Health Mission goals.

Last Updated :10-Mar-2022