
  • Hindi Cell, from the very inception of this Institute is serving the cause of promotion and progressive use of the Official Language Hindi. It also strives for implementation of the Official Language policies of the Government of India.
  • Hindi Cell does all the works related to translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa, as per requirements of the Official Language Act and Rules, along with the other duties as prescribed such as preparation of forms and documents and JIPMER Annual Report in bilingual form, etc.
  • Data base is being maintained for preparation of quarterly, half-yearly and Annual Reports indicating the progressive use of Hindi in the Institute, compilation is done and transmitted to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Regional Implementation office Ministry of Home Affairs.


Hindi version of Website of JIPMER ( is updated periodically. On this website information regarding JIPMER is available in Hindi. Preparation of bilingual website is one of the achievements as per the target of the Annual Programme issued by the Department of Official Language.


Hindi Cell undertakes the translation work of all the communications, such as official reports, circulars, office memorandum, standard forms, notifications, performance budget, annual report, citizens charter etc., and coordinates in issuing all in bilingual form (Hindi & English).

Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC), Puducherry

This Institute continued to function as Secretariat of the Town Official language Implementation Committee (TOLIC) of Puducherry and the JIPMER Director is designated as Chairman of this Committee since 1986. In accordance with the Official Language Rules this committee was constituted for Official Language implementation in all the Offices of Central Government, Public sector/undertakings/autonomous institutions, including Insurance company/Corporation in Puducherry and all these offices are members in this committee. The Town Official Language Implementation Committee has its Regional Implementation Office (South-West) at Cochin, Kerala, under the Department of Official Language (DOL), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India.

Puducherry TOLIC was constituted in the year 1986, and now TOLIC has 59 member offices. The first meeting of the Committee was held on 18.03.1986. Till now 71 meetings have been conducted.

Our Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC), has been honoured with one National as well as one Regional award. In the year 1986-87 this committee was awarded the shield and appreciation letter for the meritorious work in increasing the progressive use of Hindi in the Central Govt. Offices, Undertakings and Banks which are situated in the Southern Region.

The department of Official Language conferred the Rajbhasha Shield to our TOLIC in the year 1994-95 for the best performance in implementing the official Language Policy.

JIPMER Official Language Implementation Committee (JOLIC)

As per the schedule of Official Language Rules, JIPMER Official Language Implementation Committee (JOLIC) holds its meetings regularly at quarterly intervals. It reviews the progress and proposes steps to be taken for further improvement in the implementation work in the Institute. In order to meet the requirement of annual programme of Official language of Government of India the computers in the Institute are having facility of Hindi software and also the facility to work in bilingual form.

Last Updated :18-Nov-2024