
The Department of Dentistry

Recent research publications

  1. Priyanka KN, Ramteke S, Nivethitha B, Madhan B. What is the minimal perceptible change for the dimensional alteration of facial structures in the frontal view? Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery August 2024. DOI:
  2. Aditya NK, Krishnan B. Factors contributing to non-union amongst dentate mandibular fractures treated by load-sharing miniplate osteosynthesis: a case-control study. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2024 Jul;62(6):565-570.
  3. Ankit Kumar, Saravanan R & Krishnan B. Does an Audio-Visual Preoperative Patient Education Influence Anxiety and Retention of Information for Impacted Mandibular Third Molar Removal?—A Randomized Blinded Trial. J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. (2024).
  4. Aditi B,  Nivethitha B, Madhanraj S, Madhan B. Letter to the Editor. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2024;166:100
  5. Saravanan R., Krishnan B & Deepthy M.S. The Local Route of Administration of Dexamethasone in Impacted Mandibular Third Molar Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials and a Critical Narrative Review on the Claimed Advantages of the Local Route. J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. 23, 56–67 (2024)
  6. Ramasamy A, Madhan B. Steroid supplementation before minor oral surgical procedures in patients taking long-term glucocorticoids: A triple-blinded, randomized, placebo- controlled trial. J Am Dent Assoc. 2023;154:373-83.e3. Epub 2023 Mar 23.
  7. Sundheepkumar V, Saravanan R, Krishnan B. Infectious complications in compound mandibular fractures undergoing a delayed surgical intervention - a prospective observational study. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2023 May;61(4):302-308
  8. Sangeetha U, Nivethitha B, Madhan B. Queries regarding the effects of a flash-free system on dental plaque accumulation and the bonding-debonding process. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2023;163:453-4.
  9. Ramteke S, Kumar SS, Madhan B. Apriori sample size estimation and reporting in original articles published from 2012 to 2020 in two Asian orthodontic journals. J Orthod Sci. 2022;11:39.
  10. Kumar SS, Ramteke S, Madhan B. Letter to the Editor. Angle Orthod. 2022 May 1;92(3):426.
  11. Nivethitha B, Madhan B. Therapeutic Mandibular Incisor Extraction in Orthodontics: An Overview. Journal of Orofacial Research. 2022;14:56-61
  12. Saravanan R, Krishnan B. A Stepwise Guide to Freehand Bending of Orbital Floor Mesh. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2022;10:e4159. Online from 07.03.2022

Current research projects

  1. Effect of Virtual Reality Distraction on anxiety levels in Patients Undergoing exodontia - A Randomized Controlled Trial 
  2. Association between the gingival phenotype and the incidence and severity of gingival invagination at premolar extraction sites following space closure in individuals undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment-A multicenter prospective cohort study.
  3. Comparison of telephone and hospital follow-up on patient satisfaction and surgical outcomes after mandibular third molar surgery- An Open-Label Randomized Control Trial.
  4. Evaluation of the effects of pre-etching enamel deproteinization with three different agents, on the survival of bonded orthodontic attachments, in individuals undergoing fixed appliance treatment . A split-mouth randomized controlled trial.
  5. The effect of field strength and number of cycles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on the shear bond strength and microleakage beneath stainless steel orthodontic brackets. An invitro study.
  6. Effects of conventional and Belt and Braces retention approaches in the mandibular arch in orthodontic patients after fixed appliance treatment. A Multi-center multiarm Randomized Controlled Trial.
  7. Comparative evaluation of mandibular canal morphology and its association with vertical parameters in different facial growth patterns- A cross-sectional cephalometric study
  8. Evaluation of the agreement between seven lateral cephalometric analyses in diagnosing dento-skeletal characteristics of malocclusion in orthodontic patients. A cross-sectional radiographic study
Last Updated :10-Feb-2025