General Info

Human Physiology is that branch of medicine, which deals with understanding the normal functioning of the human body at the molecular, cellular, tissue and systems level of organization. Physiologists endeavor not only to understand how the body normally functions but also to apply this knowledge towards the better comprehension and indeed treatment of disease processes should they arise. In so doing, the discipline of Physiology provides a vital bridge between basic science and clinical medicine. The department of Physiology at JIPMER Karaikal was ushered into existence in October of 2016 with the primary purpose of providing quality education to undergraduate medical students. At the time of its inception, the department was housed in a single room with a few compound microscopes and hardly any biomedical equipment. From its humble beginnings, the department has since blossomed into a fully equipped and adequately staffed unit stationed on the first floor of the APJ Abdul Kalam complex. Headed by Dr Dinesh Syce since January 2019, the department has a well–equipped Hematology laboratory and a Clinical Physiology lab with almost all essential equipment. The biomedical equipment presently available in the laboratory include ECG apparatus, computerized PFT apparatus and three channel physiographs amongst others. We are in the process of acquiring state-of-the-art equipment, which will make quality research possible for faculty members and students alike. We at the Department of Physiology are committed to not only teaching and research but also to provide a strong source of support for students and staff. At the department’s very core lies the fundamental belief that although academic excellence is important, it is equally important to create an ambience of safety, well-being and inclusiveness for all those who sojourn within our walls. 


In the Department of Physiology, we strive to provide truly world class training for the first MBBS students under our care, a fact that is borne out by the excellent academic performance every year. Our teaching methods include lectures for the entire batch, small group discussions, problem-based learning, tutorials, quiz programs and students’ seminars. We regularly conduct clinical case discussions during which the students are taught to relate their basic Physiology knowledge to clinical situations, thereby fostering a more complete and holistic grasp of the subject in particular and medicine as a whole . Not only is our overall curriculum integrated, but our faculty are encouraged to adopt varying and innovative degrees of integration in each individual class. In addition to this we regularly invite faculty members from other first year and second year departments to contribute to our lectures, thereby achieving a certain level of both horizontal and vertical integration. The performance of the students is evaluated periodically through notified tests and continually by formative assessment. In so doing, we are able to identify students needing additional scholastic assistance and provide timely and effective remedial measures. As a result of our tireless efforts and effective course management we were able to achieve a hundred percent pass rate for the academic years 2018-19 and 2019-20.


Plans for the future:

It is our hope that in the near future our infrastructure would be improved to such a degree that it would

become possible to start PG courses in Physiology.

Contact details

S.No Name Designation Official emai


Dr Dinesh V. Syce

Assistant Professor



Dr ArunKumar B

Assistant Professor



Dr Karthik M

Assistant Professor



Dr Srinadh R

Senior Resident



Mr Hemnath .S

Junior administrative assistant



Miss Padmavathi. P

Laboratory technician



Official Email of the department of Physiology



Last Updated :22-Dec-2020